Jurnal Komunikasi dan Budaya
<p><strong>E-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1593160303">2723-0929</a></strong><br><strong>P-ISSN : <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20210427470891359">2776-6977</a></strong></p> <p>Journal of Communication and Culture or abbreviated JKB published 2 (two) times a year in June and December by the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Baturaja University, where the first issue was published in June 2020. Journal of Communication and Culture (JKB) is a scientific journal that accommodates scientific research articles and thoughts in the study of Communication, Media, Culture, and Public Relations.</p>Universitas Baturajaen-USJurnal Komunikasi dan Budaya2776-6977TRADISI GONGCIK DI DESA PASUCEN TRANGKIL PATI GONGCIK TRADITION IN PASUCEN TRANGKIL VILLAGE
<p>The purpose of this research is to find out the meaning and history of the Gongcik tradition in Pasucen Village, Trangkil, Pati. The results showed that this tradition has existed since the Dutch colonial era but in its preservation Gongcik only survived in certain villages, one of which is Pasucen Village, Trangkil District, Pati Regency. Gongcik is a martial art wrapped in gamelan music with a combination of movements that become a dance, this tradition is usually performed in the event of earth alms, suronan, and so on. The Gongcik tradition needs to be preserved because it is rarely found.</p>Sharita RamadhantiNur Faizatur RofiqohYusuf Falaq
<p>This study aims to reveal the representation of women behind the video clip Woman Like Me by Little Mix. This study uses John Fiske's semiotic analysis theory and methods. The collection techniques used in this study were observation on the Woman Like Me video clip, source interviews and literature study. Meanwhile, the subject of<br>this research is the women in Little Mix's Woman Like Me video clip while the object of this research is visual communication which includes images, attributes, gestures, sounds and clothes in Little Mix's Woman Like Me video clip. The results of the study show that the Woman Like Me video clip represents women's resistance in achieving gender equality. Women want to fight the restraints on the standards that have been produced and set in society against women. For example; beautiful, elegant, classy, polite, smart and have the skills and ability to do housework. On the other hand, in this video, women are portrayed as brave, independent, free and confiden.</p>Mega UtamiNurul Fauziah
<p>Technological advances have an impact on today's society. This very rapid development provides convenience for humans. We can access various kinds of news and information very easily. Cyberbullying is the misuse of technology by someone by sending messages or uploading pictures and videos to someone with the aim of causing that person to be embarrassed, tortured, made fun of, or threaten them. Through his social media account, Anies Baswedan often shares content that is not only related to personal activities or activities when meeting with the public. The content he displays is also packaged in an attractive appearance accompanied by formal quotes. This research method uses quantitative descriptive research methods. From the research results, researchers concluded that the influence of cyberbullying on the reputation of presidential candidate Anies Baswedan had a significant influence, resulting in satisfactory results.</p>Mutiara SyarafinaIntan PutriNanda Syukerti
<p>The political campaigns of Anies Baswedan and Imin Iskandar in the 2024 presidential election are of public interest both nationally and internationally. Anies Baswedan, who is currently the governor of Jakarta, is running as an independent candidate, while Imin Iskandar is a member of the National Awakening Party (PKB) and is running as a vice presidential candidate. The pair are the first to declare that they will compete in the 2024 presidential election. Anies Baswedan has campaigned in various regions, including Jakarta, Southeast Sulawesi, and South Kalimantan, while Imin Iskandar has campaigned in various regions, including Aceh. They have both been active in their efforts to introduce themselves and their political visions to the wider community. During the campaign, Anies Baswedan has been in the media spotlight, including foreign media, highlighting his criticism of the Nusantara project, which is one of the major projects of the current administration. Anies' criticism of this project has attracted the attention of foreign media and become a topic of conversation in the context of the 2024 presidential election. As such, Anies Baswedan and Imin Iskandar's campaign for the 2024 presidential election has attracted public attention, both nationally and internationally, and the pair continues to work on strengthening their support base through various campaign activities and efforts to introduce their political vision to the public.</p>Rama DewaHosea Gabriel Memphis HutapeaSaeful Mujab
2024-07-172024-07-1751445110.54895/jkb.v5i1.2633DEMAK GREEN GARDEN : OASE HIJAU DI JANTUNG TANAH WALI
<p>Demak Green Garden (DeGeGa) is the largest family tourist attraction in Demak Regency, Central Java. DeGeGa has an area of around 120 hectares and offers a variety of tourist facilities and attractions, ranging from gardens, swamps, rice fields, to rides. This journal aims to analyze DeGeGa's potential as a family tourism destination. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that DeGeGa has great potential as a family tourism destination. DeGeGa has a variety of facilities and tourist attractions that are interesting and educational for children and families. Apart from that, DeGeGa also has a strategic location, namely near the city of Demak, which is one of the religious tourism destinations in Central Java. However, DeGeGa also has several challenges that need to be overcome, such as lack of promotion and management that is not yet optimal. To overcome these challenges, efforts are needed to increase DeGeGa promotion and improve its management.</p> <p> </p>Nafisatur RohmahCahyani Dwi ArsantiMuhammad Imam TaqiyyudinMelinda PuspitaNajwa Zakial FazaNoor Fatmawati
2024-07-172024-07-1751526710.54895/jkb.v5i1.2634PEMANFAATAN INSTAGRAM SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI DI ERA DIGITAL
<p>With the development of internet technology in the era of digitalization in a changing world, even in all sectors in company life it has become significant, not only in the marketing sphere. Lots of entrepreneurs have successfully promoted their products on Instagram social media and the many strategies they use to promote them. By using social media like Instagram, their products will be better known. This study uses a qualitative method . The results of this study are the strategy of using social media to become a tool or intermediary in promoting products more quickly and easily without even incurring large costs. The benefits of using Instagram social media as a promotional medium are that Instagram can increase potential in marketing and even become an alternative solution which is very good to be used as promotional media.</p>Marhamah MarhamahIrma Juliyanti Sitorus
<p>This study aims to find out how the comunication process used by teacher in the teaching and learning process. Forms of communication and approaches to communication by teacher to students. This study used a qualitative research method with data collection techniques using observation, in depth interviews, and document studies as well well as descriptive data analisis techniques with presentation. The formulation of the research problem is how in the role of teacher internasional communication in increasing children’s knowledge. Baset on the result of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the research isbas follow: (1) overall the role of the teacher’s interpersonal communication in increasing children’s knowledge is concluded to be quite good. (2) the language used by the teacher is very appropriate in communicating with their students. (3) non verbal communication carried out by the teacher in interacting with his student is by using gestures, facial expressions and expressions, symbols and various intonation of voice. (4) the message conveyed in teacher studen interpersonal communication are more about the concept of the lessonand also motivation for their students to more quickly understand what the teacher means.</p>Raisyaalfitahusna RaisyaalfitahusnaKamaruddin Hasan