(Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Dalam Film Orang Kaya Baru)

  • Tiara Anista Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Baturaja
  • Dian Novitasari Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Baturaja
  • Bianca Virgiana Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Baturaja
Keywords: Consumerism Lifestyle, Film, Representation, Semiotics


Film is one of the modern mass media channels in the form of artistic work which is a phenomenon of today's society.One of them is in the film of the person new rich, which provides an overview of the consumerist lifestyle.  This study aims to identify and analyze the consumerism lifestyle represented in the film of the person new rich.  The theory used is the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes.  This type of research is a qualitative research type and uses a critical paradigm and the method used is Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis which analyzes denotation, connotation in which there is a myth.  They buy goods or services not based on basic need but the symbols of these goods that are less or not needed so that they become redundant. The results of this study are that in the film of the person new rich is represented as a person who has excessive consumption values, the myths found in the show are: 1. Rich people are considered to create social status, 2. Using branded goods to create prestige, 3. Spend a lot of expensive things to be considered rich, such as buying original Adidas NMD shoes for 4 million. In the film shows the new rich, they buy goods or services not based on basic needs but the symbols of these goods that are less or not needed so that they become redundant.
