• M. Septian Herdinata Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Baturaja
  • Yunizir Djakfar Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Baturaja
  • Septiana Wulandari Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Baturaja
Keywords: Strategy, Public Relations, Hotel, Visitors


Strategy is an integrated part of a plan, the plan is a product of a plan which in the end planning is one of the basic functions of management. The problem in this research is how the Public Relations Strategy of The Zuri Baturaja Hotel to Increase the Number of Visitors. In this study to support the running of research activities to be more focused and focused in achieving the desired target, the author in this case uses the planning theory. The planning carried out by the public relations of The Zuri Baturaja Hotel includes several stages in its implementation so that it can achieve the intended target. These stages are audience analysis, goal setting, media selection, message design, and program evaluation. Audience analysis, is the initial stage that really determines the direction and purpose of planning. The target segment of The Zuri Hotel is the community from the upper class, businessmen, government officials who visit Ogan Komering Ulu Regency and its surroundings. The preparation of the media selection strategy or information channel used by The Zuri Hotel Baturaja is based on the consideration of the wide reach of the media so that it can be accepted by the target public. At the message design stage to strategize the communication components carried out by the PR Manager in collaboration with the sales marketing manager of The Zuri Hotel Baturaja. Evaluation should be an activity inherent in the communication program plan. The program evaluation carried out by the HRD Manager of The Zuri Hotel Baturaja is by providing guest comments at the receptionist's desk.
