Edukasi Jenis-Jenis Tanaman Herbal Sebagai Ramuan untuk Meningkatkan Imunitas Tubuh
Education On Types Of Herbal Plants As Remedies To Increase The Body's Immunity
The target of this Community Service activity is the community of Singapore village, Semidang Aji District, OKU Regency. The purpose of this service activity is to educate the public about the importance of maintaining health through increasing body immunity by consuming herbs that are the heritage of the ancestors of the Indonesian nation. These herbs can be grown in the yard of the house as a living pharmacy. The implementation method used has 2 stages, namely: 1) The preparation stage includes: preparation of exposure materials, discussion and sharing with team members, search for exposure materials on the internet and books, and preparation of questionnaires. II) PKM Implementation Phase at partner locations: Distribution of questionnaires before exposure, Exposure of exposure materials to the Singapore Village community, Distribution of questionnaires after exposure. The expected target of this community service activity is to increase public knowledge about how to maintain health through increasing body immunity by consuming herbs and utilizing the home yard as a living pharmacy. The PKM target is achieved, this can be seen from the results of questionnaires distributed before and after PkM activities.