Peningkatan Kualitas Produk VCO Melalui Pendampingan Legalitas Usaha dan Branding produk pada Kelompok UMK Disabilitas Bersama Jaya Kecamatan Lubuk Raja OKU
Improving the Quality of VCO Products Through Assistance with Business Legality and Product Branding in the Bersama Jaya Disability MSE Group, Lubuk Raja OKU District
This community service activity aims to assist UMK Bersama Jaya in Lubuk Raja District, OKU Regency, in obtaining product legality, especially Business Identification Numbers (NIB) and Halal certification, as well as developing Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) product branding. With a focus on empowering people with disabilities, this group seeks to improve economic welfare by producing VCO, which has significant market potential. The methods used include planning, training, mentoring, and evaluation. The activity results show that partners have succeeded in understanding the importance of business legality, having an NIB, and improving product packaging and branding. It is hoped that increasing understanding of business management can support business sustainability and increase competitiveness in the market. This activity benefits UMK Bersama Jaya members and contributes to sustainable local economic growth.