Pelatihan dan Peningkatan Kapasitas Tenaga Pendamping UMKM Menuju UMKM Naik Kelas Di Wilayah Kabupaten dan Kota Propinsi Sumatera Selatan
The Importance of Business Legality (NIB) as the Key to Sustainability and Development of the Gya Karya Business Group
Empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is one of the alternatives chosen by the government in an effort to develop and improve the quality of Cooperatives and UMKM so that continuous assistance is needed. Mentoring UMKM by Facilitators is an effort to find out and answer the problems and challenges faced by UMKM, so that MSMEs can be promoted to class which will ultimately have a positive impact on the economy of the people in South Sumatra. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out training and capacity building for the UMKM companion in assisting UMKM towards advancing UMKM to class. The aim of this service is that it is hoped that UMKM mentors will have professional qualities and abilities in providing assistance to UMKM so that MSMEs can be created that are professional and rise to the next class. The method used is a training and mentoring method for accompanying staff. The results obtained by training participants increased their understanding and knowledge about accompanying staff. From the results of the pre-test and post-test carried out on participants, it is clear that the increase in understanding of the assistant staff is quite significant, namely 72.4% from before. UMKM assistants in districts and cities in South Sumatra Province have played an active role in assisting UMKM to increase the scale of UMKM businesses, increase income and create more jobs. This initiative is also expected to strengthen the competitiveness of local UMKM in the global market.