Pelatihan Legalitas dan Standarisasi Produk Menuju Usaha yang Berdaya Saing Bagi Pelaku UKM Kabupaten Lahat
Legality Training and Product Standardization Towards Competitive Businesses for Lahat UKM
In order to help SMEs in Lahat Regency to better understand the importance of legality and product standardization, training was held which is expected to provide comprehensive guidance for SMEs to obtain business legality and ensure their products meet applicable standards. The aim of this training is to increase SME players' understanding of the importance of business legality, help SMEs understand the procedures and requirements for obtaining business legality, provide knowledge about product standardization and the importance of product quality in market competition and encourage SMEs to be better prepared to face challenges in the global market with products. which has recognized legality and standards. This training was held for 3 days at the Lahat Regency Cooperatives and UMKM Service with a total of 30 participants. Concrete results from this training can be seen from the commitment of several SMEs to immediately take care of the legality of their businesses, and some participants have started planning to certify products in accordance with applicable standards. With these results, it is hoped that the training can help SMEs in Lahat Regency to develop more sustainably, open wider market access, and increase competitiveness through legality and standardized products.