• Bambang Sulistyo FKIP Universitas Baturaja
  • Utari Yanda Putri FKIP Universitas Baturaja
Keywords: Speaking, teacher strategies


In this article the researcher focus on teacher’s strategies in
teaching speaking at SMK Trisakti Baturaja. This study is aimed
at portraying teacher’s strategies in teaching speaking to
students and recognizing students’ response towards the
strategies in teaching speaking by the teacher. The sample of
this study are an English teacher and eleventh grade students at
SMK Trisakti Baturaja. The method employed in this article is a
descriptive method with qualitative approach by drawing a
conclusion from the analysis of the strategies by the teacher’s
used. Data was collected by observation and interview. As the
result of this study is the strategies of teaching speaking that the
teacher used were small group discussion, dialogue, games, and
drilling. Students’ response towards the strategies resulted in
positive attitude as they responded that the strategies helped
them to speak. The teacher also must use strategies of teaching
speaking in accordance with students’ characteristics and level
of proficiency, and use the materials that can make students to
be active by using available media of the implementation of
teaching speaking.
