Reading is one of the main aspects of English language skills
and strategies for learning to read are students' ways or
techniques that are consistent in responding to and using stimuli
in the context of learning. This research is about the analysis of
students' reading learning strategies in the first semester of Class
VIII MTS Negeri 1 OKU. In this study, the research worker used
a qualitative descriptive analysis methodology. The researcher
used random sampling technique. Researchers took 1
representative from each class VIII as a sample of 12 people. In
collecting data, researchers used two kinds of instruments,
namely interviews and observations. Researchers used three
stages, namely planning, conducting observations, and drawing
conclusions. Compiling information using observation methods
and field notes. Data analysis was carried out on student
activities and student learning outcomes, while field notes were
only as supporting data to record events during the learning
process. The results of this study indicate the achievement of
student activities from the first observation of 77.3 to 95.2 in the
second observation. Meanwhile, the implementation of student
activities increased from 95.8% to 100%. During the observation,
the researcher also found that most of the students' reading
learning strategies used the SQ3R strategy. In addition, several
other students used skimming strategies in reading them. SQ3R
is an abbreviation of Survey (read briefly), Question (ask),
Reading (read), Recite (answer), and Review (review).