As we know that, speaking is one of the important skills in learning English. The purpose of this study was to find out the students’ speaking ability of the twelfth grades students at SMK N 02 OKU. Population of this study was all of the twelfth grades students of SMK N 02 OKU in academic year 2021/2022 were 256 students and took sample by using purposive sampling were 33 students. To collect the data, the writer used test as an
instrument in this study. Then, analyze the data collection used descriptive qualitative method. Based on finding, the writer found that 40% of students got 3 score of the test, 33% got 4 score and 27% of students just got 2 score in the speaking ability’s test. In conclusion, the writer can conclude that the students’ ability of the twelfth grades students at SMK N 02 OKU can be categorizes in low-intermediate level.