Characteristics of Growth and Production of Ratoon Rice, Main Crops Inpari 29 Variety On Treatment of N, P, K Fertilizers
The aim of the study was to determine the role of N, P and K on the growth and production characteristics of the main crop and ratoon rice of the Inpari 29 variety. The main crop study was conducted in April-October 2016, ratoon rice study was conducted in December 2016 - February 2017. Located in the Raksa Jiwa district, Baturaja OKU. The study used a Randomized Block Design (RAK). Fertilizer treatment with four levels, namely main crop treatment P0 = control, P1 = Urea 250 kg/ha + TSP 100 kg/ha + KCL 150 kg/ha. P2 = Urea 300 kg/ha + TSP 150 kg/ha + KCL 100 kg/ha. P3 = Urea 350 kg/ha + TSP 200 kg/ha + KCl 150 kg/ha. The raton rice treatment consisted of N0 = control, N1 = Urea 150 kg/ha + SP36 100 kg/ha + KCl 100 kg/ha. N2 = Urea 200 kg/ha + SP36 150 kg/ha + KCl 100 kg/ha. N3 = Urea 250 kg/ha + SP36 200 kg/ha + KCl 150 kg/ha. The treatment with three replicate. The number of samples was observed in 10 plants. The results showed that the fertilizers N, P and K had not significant effect on the growth and production characteristics of the main crops. Fertilizer has a significant effect on growth characteristics, but has not significant effect on ratoon rice production. Treatment of urea 300 kg/ha + TSP 150 kg/ha + KCL 100 kg/ha) in the main crop and urea 200 kg/ha + SP36 150 kg/ha + KCl 100 kg/ha) in ratoon rice affected growth and production characteristics. The Yeald of ratoon rice increased by 22.1% of the main crop production.
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