Studi awal ratun kangkung pada Sistim Tanam Media Tanah mengggunakan Pot Mini untuk Urban Farming

Keywords: Kale, mini pots, ratoon, unban farming


Cutting the top of the kangkung canopy which is used for consumption leaves the root part which has the potential to re-grow, in rice, sorghum and sugarcane this treatment is commonly referred to as ratoon. Optimal nutrition and the right pruning height for kangkung ratoon have not been widely studied, so this research uses various concentrations of inorganic nutrients and high pruning kangkung ratoon in the mini pot planting system of soil irrigated with nutrients to get water spinach growth more efficiently and productively, especially to get applied as a choice of urban farming technology. This study used a factorial completely randomized design, with the first factor being the concentration of inorganic nutrients with 4 levels of treatment with concentrations of 800 ppm, 1000 ppm, 1200 ppm and 1400 ppm. The second factor is the height of the pruning which consists of 2 levels, namely the height of the ratoon 1 Cm and 2 Cm. The best concentration of inorganic nutrients for kangkung growth after 14 days after ratoon was obtained at 1200 ppm treatment which was significantly different from lower concentrations but not significantly different from treatment at higher concentrations. Pruning height of 2 cm showed relatively more growth in canopy wet weight, number of leaves, and leaf area. While the 1 cm pruning height showed plant height, shoot height and leaf length which were higher than 2 cm pruning. Overall, the best pruning height has not been obtained in the pruning height treatment, and the best treatment interaction has not been found in the treatment of inorganic nutrient concentration and kangkung ratoon pruning height in the mini pot planting system with nutrient-irrigated soil media.


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