Analisis Komposisi Tanah dan Kuat Tekan Batu Bata Merah Peruntukan Bangunan Adaptasi Kondisi Lingkungan Labil
Analysis of Soil Composition and Strong Press Red Bricks Allotment of Building Adaptation Labile Environment Conditions
The progress of a city then the need for red bricks is always increasing. This is in line with the rapid development carried out by the government as it is today, therefore the red brick industry needs to improve quality in accordance with applicable SII standards. The continued production of red brick will affect the economic stability of the people. But unstable environmental conditions such as the climate or earth's weather are now uncertain, so every building in the future, must really choose a strong material. Bricks as one of the staples for the sturdiness of a building, especially in environmental adaptations such as the weather today should be a concern for manufacturers. Facing environmental problems that are not effective (labile), and also because the red brick industry in Palembang Municipality and surrounding areas has not met the applicable standards, then this study to; (1) obtain the composition of the soil as the most dominant raw material against the pressing strength of the brick. (2) get the area with the best type of soil to be used as raw materials for making red bricks in palembang municipality and surrounding areas; and (3) take a comparison of the quality of red bricks in palembang municipality and surrounding areas with existing standardization provisions. This research is expected to have certainty of soil composition as raw materials are very influential on the durability of bricks. The materials used for research were collected from red brick entrepreneurs located in the Palembang Municipality area and surrounding areas in the form of ready-to-burn bricks, namely from gasing, sekojo (Pasundan), Red Eyes, Crocodile River and Talang Kelapa (Muba). The compositions studied included the compositions of SiO2, Al203, Fe2O3 and the composition of lost burns. From the analysis obtained that the composition of SiO2 and Al203 is very influential on the strength of the press. Good soil for the manufacture of bricks that meet the applicable SII standards is soil derived from the Crocodile River with a composition of SiO2 = 79.95%, Al203 = 1.40% with an average compressive strength of 102.53 kg / cm2 (including quality I). Then the soil of the sekojo area with the composition SiO2 = 82%, Al203 = 1.2% with an average compressive strength = 74.80 kg / cm2 (including quality II).
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