Prototipe Pendeteksi Getaran Gempa dengan Sensor Getaran Menggunakan Android

Earthquake Vibration Detection Prototype with Vibration Sensor Using Android

Keywords: Vibration Sensor, Arduino Uno, Wifi Esp 8266, DC Motors, Android Smartphone


This prototype is a development of previous research with the addition of an Android system on detecting earthquake vibrations. This prototype consists of a series of power supply as a voltage source and a voltage converter from AC to DC voltage, Arduino uno microcontroller as the control center for all components contained in the prototype, the vibration sensor serves to convert the vibration source into an electrical signal, esp 8266 wifi module functions as a transmitter and receiver is android. If the sensor detects vibrations it will be sent directly to the microcontroller in the form of electrical signals then WiFi 8266 esp sends to the Android screen in the form of scales and vibration waves.


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