Penerapan Teknologi Silvikultur Pada Reklamasi Pasca Pembangunan Pabrik Baturaja II di PT.Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk.
Application of Silviculture Technology in Post-Construction Reclamation of Baturaja II Factory at PT. Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk.
Building construction or building construction, especially as a production center for products needed by the community, is a necessity, even though it is realized that this activity is an activity that causes damage to land and forests. As beings who think, of course, humans should not give up and ignore both of them, because development is important for human welfare and nature is also important for human health. This article tries to provide an answer where development is carried out without neglecting natural aspects, especially forests, through a case study that took place at PT. Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk, this condition was analyzed using a descriptive qualitative approach which came to the conclusion that reclamation on land after factory construction Baturaja II using silvicultural technology is an ideal model that can be used by any party who is committed to building infrastructure by prioritizing environmental sustainability.
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