Fungsi Rawa Buatan sebagai Media Penampungan Air Hujan untuk Mencegah Banjir dan Meningkatkan Kualitas Air Tanah di PT. Semen Baturaja OKU

The Function of Artificial Swamps as Rainwater Storage Media to Prevent Floods and Improve Groundwater Quality in PT. Semen Baturaja OKU

Keywords: Artificial Swamp, Flood, Rainfall


Large rainfall is a great potential in supporting various needs for farming, raising livestock, daily needs to meet the needs of electric power. On the other hand, high rainfall also has the potential to increase the occurrence of floods, especially if the rains that occur last for a long period of time. Flooding is also affected by the soil's ability to absorb a certain amount of rainwater that falls. Soil absorption or infiltration is influenced by various causative factors, such as land use patterns dominated by concrete structures, low levels of lengas in the soil, or loss of vegetation on the land surface and water storage capacity and drainage systems that are not optimal. To solve this problem, PT Semen Baturaja, created an artificial swamp. There are 4 (four) artificial swamps located in the area of PT Semen Baturaja. An artificial swamp is a pond-shaped excavated land that is made as a substitute for the function of the infiltration land which is estimated to no longer be able to carry out its function optimally due to various reasons. For example, closed land, infiltration land that has changed its function to become residential and office areas and several other causes. The main function of artificial swamps is to withstand the large rate of flood peaks in the river so that the overflow of clove water (over topping) can be reduced to avoid embankment failure. Another important benefit of artificial swamps is as a water saving (water conservation) with increasing groundwater reserves at the site


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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air.Konservasi Sumber Daya Air. Diakses di