Analisis Penentuan Barrier pada Bandara Udara Berdasarkan Peta Kontur Kebisingan
Analysis of Barrier Determination at Airports Based on Noise Contour Map
Airport operational activities can cause noise and problems for the surrounding environment, such as the community around the airport. Settlements around the airport are the first subjects who are most vulnerable to physical and psychological disorders such as hearing damage caused by airport activities, especially the sound generated by aircraft jet engines during take off and landing. Therefore, it was necessary to control noise in the environment around the airport to reduce the potential dangers caused by airport noise that can interfere with human comfort and health.
This research was to collect primary and secondary data at the airport at 7 times according to KEPMEN LH No.48 of 1996 using Sound Level Meter (SLM) and Global Positioning System (GPS) as a tool to determine the coordinates of the sampling location. The purpose of this study was to collect and read noise level data at the airport as an effort to determine the right barrier.
The noise level has been set in the regulation of KEPMEN LH No. 48 of 1996. This study uses Surfer Software to process research data that was taken directly. The results of the study showed that the highest noise value occurred during holidays with the average noise value. Weekdays air side area : 70.39 dB(A) Weekend air side area : 72.04 dB(A), Weekdays land side area : 69.54 dB (A), Weekend land side area: 70.76 dB(A), Environmental management efforts can be carried out by installing insulation or soundproofing in airport operational buildings, making barriers by making walls and planting shrubs around the road leading to the airport and maintain and develop the planting of shade plants in the buffer zone bordering the settlement.
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Kepmenaker No. 51/MEN/1999 Tentang NAB Faktor Fisika di Tempat Kerja. Departemen Tenaga Kerja RI.
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