Proyeksi Pertumbuhan Penduduk dan Kebutuhan Fasilitas Persampahan di Kecamatan Baturaja Timur Kabupaten OKU
Projected Population Growth and Waste Facility Needs in Baturaja Timur District, OKU Regency
The development of the population in the city is increasing from year to year. As a result of this population growth, the level of consumption and activity of the population also increases. East Baturaja District has an area of 110.22 km² with a population of 102,948 people and a population density of 933 people per km² (BPS OKU, 2020). With the increase in population, it will affect the generation of waste produced, be it household waste, industrial waste, and others. The problem that forms the basis of this research is that waste will continue to exist and increase with the increase in the urban population. The problem to be researched is how much is the projected amount of solid waste in Baturaja Timur District in 2021-2030 as a result of the increase in population every year and how much is the projected need for waste facilities such as TPS/containers and a fleet of waste transportation from TPS to TPA in East Baturaja District. 2021-2030 due to the increase in waste along with the increasing population every year. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the projected population growth and landfill in East Baturaja District in 2021-2030 and to find out and analyze the need for solid waste facilities in East Baturaja District 2021-2030. In 2020 the population of Palu City is 105,028 people with waste generation of 289 m3/day and in 2030 the population is increasingly dense, which is 128,281 people with waste generation of 353 m3/day.
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