Pengaruh Cangkang Kerang dan Karang Laut pada Proses Penjernihan Air Gambut
The Effect of Oyster and Coral Shells in the Peat Water Purification Process
People living in tidal and swampy areas often face difficulties in obtaining clean water and drinking water. They use rainwater to meet their needs for clean water and drinking water. This water source is of course in limited quantities. Peat water which is an abundant source of water in tidal and swampy areas is surface water from peat soil with striking characteristics due to its reddish brown to black color due to the high content of organic matter in the water, acidic taste with a pH of 2-5, and low hardness. . Peat water can be used for daily needs by carrying out a processing process. The peat water treatment process consists of the stages of coagulation, flocculation, absorption and sedimentation as well as a filtering or filtration stage. The addition of clam shells and sea coral during the peat water filtration process has an impact on the normal increase in values for the parameters of pH, Lead, Copper, Iron, Mercury, Chromium/Cr(iv), Bromine, Nitrate, Nitrite, Residual Chlorine, while on the total parameters Alkali, hardness, fluoride and sulfite values show higher values.
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