Kajian Pengukuran Getaran Tanah (Ground Vibration) Operasi Peledakan di PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk.

Study of Ground Vibration Measurements in Blasting Operations at PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk

  • SMBR Learning Development
Keywords: Explosion, Micromate, Vibration


The research was conducted at the limestone mining site of PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk.Limestone mining activities are preceded by a process of giving using drilling and blasting methods. Rock blasting causes ground vibrations which if it exceeds the safe limit of 5 mm/s at a distance of 500 m. In the blasting process to speed up the process of achieving production which certainly has the potential to cause vibration and noise in locations around the blasting. The effects of this blasting activity can be felt by the surrounding community mining location because the mining location is close to residential areas. Because of that, it is necessary to measure the vibration around the blasting area which is close to residents' settlements. This measurement used the Micromate tool, the results of the vibration measurement were carried out on October 3, 2022. Vibration measurements for Navel Village, 625 kg ANFO explosives, 14 kg Dynamite, 45 kg detonators, 6 times the explosion distribution. Vibration with an average value of 1.6 mm/s. Measurements must be carried out periodically using the Micromate tool and evaluated, thus it is hoped that the company's request for vibrations of no more than 5 mm/s at a distance of 500 m can be achieved


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