Prospek dan Potensi Biogas sebagai Energi Alternatif Menghadapi Krisis Energi
Prospek dan Potensi Biogas sebagai Energi Alternatif Menghadapi Krisis Energi
Energy plays an important role in almost all human activities and cannot be released in human life. Excessive utilization of non-renewable energy can create energy crisis problems. Biogas is a gas resulting from the fermentation process of organic materials. These organic materials, for example, manure, agricultural waste, kitchen waste, and Biogas organic waste are produced by bacteria from organic matter in vacuum (anaerobic) conditions. Biogas consists of methane (CH4) 50 – 70%, carbon dioxide (CO2) 30 – 40%, and other gases with a small percentage. At the end of the fermentation process, biogas is produced which can be used as fuel and power generation, heat that can be reused, and the remaining decomposition of raw materials for making biogas can be used as fertilizer for use in agricultural land and plantations. The potential for biogas development in Indonesia is still quite large, considering the large number of farms in Indonesia and the large amount of household waste that can be used as raw material for making biogas. The use of organic waste into biogas plays an important role in waste management because it reduces direct generation and reduces the greenhouse effect indirectly because compare to carbondioxide, methane contribute more in increasing the green house effect.
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