Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Bubut Besi Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton pada Divisi Mechanical Workshop PT Semen Baturaja Tbk
Analysis The Effect of Additional Iron Waste on The Compressive Strenght Of Concerete in The Mechanical Workshop Division Of PT Semen Baturaja Tbk
hydraulic cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water with or without additives to form a solid mass. The strength of concrete is influenced by many things, including its constituent materials, mix design, workmanship, and maintenance. Lathe iron waste is scrap or residue from turning cast iron in industrial activities. The capacity of iron lathe waste that is produced per day from the rest of the turning in the Mechanical Workshop Division of PT Semen Baturaja depends on the number of notifications received and how much work is done using the lathe given by the user. This lathe iron waste needs to be utilized more optimally in order to have a better use-value. Besides being able to reduce existing waste, it can also have use value. This study used a qualitative method by testing normal concrete and iron lathe waste concrete with a proportion of 20% lathe waste from normal concrete coarse aggregate by compressive strength testing. The size of the iron waste used is that which passes the 9.5mm sieve and is retained in the 4.75mm sieve, with a cylindrical mold measuring 150mm x 30mm. Process of test objects for 28 days. The results showed that by adding lathe waste with a proportion of 20% of normal concrete coarse aggregate, there was a decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete for 7 days (16.09 Mpa), 14 days (20.84 Mpa) and for 28 days (24.54 Mpa).
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