Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Kebisingan Terhadap Kesehatan Karyawan pada Unit Kerja Clinker Production Divisi Operasi Pabrik 2 PT Semen Baturaja Tbk
Analysis of the Effect of Noise Levels on Employee Health in the Clinker Production Work Unit Factory Operations Division 2 PT Semen Baturaja Tbk
The potential for hazards or occupational diseases that can affect employee health often arises from the workplace. Noise is one of the physical hazard factors that are often found in the work environment. The mechanical process of making cement at PT. Semen Baturaja by using machines and work tools accompanied by loud noises, will increase sound exposure to workers and increase the risk of danger to workers. From this background, the purpose of this study was to see the effect of noise levels on the health of employees of the Clinker Production Work Unit of the Baturaja Factory Operation Division 2 of PT Semen Indonesia Group (SIG) and how much influence noise has on employee health. Data collection was obtained by observation methods, questionnaire dissemination and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed with the IBM SPSS Statistics program. From the Single Regression Test conducted, it was concluded that work environment noise has a significant negative effect on employee health with a regression coefficient of -0.502, meaning that if noise is lowered, employee health will increase by 0.502. A coefficient of determination analysis was also conducted with the result of the contribution of noise factors to employee health by 10.2%.
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