This PKM activity originated from the interest of the lecturers in the Indonesian Language and Literature
Education Study Program, Unbara, so that the writing of proposals and reports for lecturers and students in South
Sumatra, OKU Baturaja district, was in accordance with the rules of the Ministry. This form of PKM is a training with
the title "Thesis Proposal Writing Training for Students in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study
Program Unbara This training was attended by 40 people consisting of final semester students in the Unbara
Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program This training was attended by 40 people consisting of
final semester students at the Unbara Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. )
Implementation: carrying out training, analyzing test results, and assisting in the preparation and preparation of
scientific article publications, holding workshops in class; ) 3) End: Making proposals and scientific reports produces
proposals and scientific work reports.The result of this PKM is the implementation of the Proposal Writing Training
and Scientific Reports for Students according to the steps that have been set and the proposals and scientific reports
of PBSI Unbara students.
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