Poligami dan Dampak Psikologis Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Isteri Kedua Gus Karya Anisa AE

  • Yunita Renza STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam
  • Irma Sendi Aristya STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam
  • Henny Nopriani STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam
Keywords: polygamy, psychological impact, main character, novel


The purpose of this study is to describe polygamy and the psychological impact of the main character in the novel Wife Second Gus by Anisa AE. The method used is Descriptive Qualitative. The source used is the novel “Gus' Second Wife by Anisa AE. The data analysis technique used classifies polygamy and the psychological impact of the main character, records data on polygamy and the psychological impact, analyzes data on polygamy and the psychological impact, describes the results of the analysis that has been grouped, concludes the results of polygamy and the psychological impact of the main character. Based on the results of this study, the form of polygamy and the psychological impact of the main character in the novel Gus' Second Wife by Anisa AE contains polygamy and there are 2 psychological impacts, namely 1 positive impact and 5 negative impacts. Polygamy was carried out by Gus Azzam, and the psychological impact experienced by the character Ning Miftah and Nisa. But the most dominant impact is the character Ning Miftah.

How to Cite
Renza, Y., Aristya, I. S., & Nopriani, H. (2023). Poligami dan Dampak Psikologis Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Isteri Kedua Gus Karya Anisa AE. Bastrando: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, 3(2), 76-90. https://doi.org/10.54895/bastrando.v3i2.2325