Kajian Penamaan Kuliner di Makassar Menggunakan Teori Semantik Odgen-Richard
The main focus of this research is to examine how the Odgen-Richard theory works on culinary naming in Makassar City (food or drink). This research is also related to culture in South Sulawesi, specifically in Makassar City. Language is still related to culinary, culinary requires language as part of establishing one's identity and the uniqueness of a region, language and culinary are part of culture. The linguistic phenomenon of culinary naming is very interesting to study. Therefore, researchers analyzed the naming of culinary delights in Makassar City. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data sources in this research are in the form of photos and documents. The data analyzed are the names of culinary businesses in Makassar City. The research instrument is the researcher himself, the researcher plays an active role in obtaining data during field observations. From the research results, 3 aspects related to language can be identified, namely 1) linguistic form, 2) various types of meaning, and 3) factors that influence culinary naming. 1) linguistic form shows the presence of (1) naming using a code-mixing system, (2) complete writing, (3) forming new terms, and (4) abbreviations. 2) various types of meaning in culinary naming, it is known that there are (1) lexical and referential meanings, (2) contextual meanings, and (3) non-referential meanings. 3) factors that influence culinary naming, namely (1) the influence of foreign languages, (2) typical Makassar food, (3) inspiration from regional names, and (4) the history of the culinary business owner.