Analisis Penggunaan Bahasa Gaul pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah

  • Alfi Syahidah Dyah Puspitasari Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Desyntia Amanda Putri Handayani Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Chafit Ulya Universitas Sebelas Maret
Keywords: slang, learning, Indonesian language learning


The rapid development of technological knowledge in the digital world has caused various sectors to experience changes, one of which is the field of education regarding the use of language properly and correctly according to language rules. This research aims to describe and explain the influence  of the use of slang on Indonesian language learning at school. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. This research also contains forms of slang and also the impact of using slang in learning. This research uses a descriptive literature study method which can also be called a literature study. These results and research contain examples of forms of slang used in life and learning by students, as well as the impact of using slang. The use of slang causes students understanding of the proper and correct use of Indonesian. This has an impact on the decline in the use of Indonesian and also the level of mastery of Indonesian in accordance with EYD. This use og slang is often used in informal settings.

How to Cite
Puspitasari, A. S. D., Handayani, D. A. P., & Ulya, C. (2023). Analisis Penggunaan Bahasa Gaul pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah. Bastrando: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, 3(2), 161-166.