Design Journal2023-10-11T04:15:49+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>Concert Design Journal adalah jurnal teknik sipil yang menyajikan berbagai tulisan ilmiah dalam bentuk hasil penelitian, tinjauan teori, konsep ataupun model terhadap hasil penelitian, hasil pemikiran serta resersi buku dalam bidang ilmu teknik.Diterbitkan secara berkala dua kali dalam satu tahun akademik (Edisi bulan Januari – Juni dan bulan Juli- Desember), yang diterbitkan oleh Prodi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik dan Komputer Universitas<br>Baturaja.</p> PENGARUH HAMBATAN SAMPING TERHADAP KINERJA RUAS JALAN PASAR BANDING AGUNG DI KABUPATEN OKU SELATAN DENGAN METODE<p>Side barriers are activities on the side of the road that interfere with the smooth flow of traffic. The lane must be used for the flow of traffic that is not congested for vehicles to stop. As well as the many accesses in and out of vehicles from the ground, it adds to the density of the road. The required road segment must match the existing segment without being disturbed by side obstructions. Though, the road is quite congested at times with car parks and public transport dropping off passengers along the way. In addition, the number of pedestrians running or crossing the road, and the number of motorized vehicles leaving the side of the road and the slow moving traffic. The study was conducted for 7 days, namely on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Data collection directly in the field, for traffic volume, vehicle speed and side friction data is divided every 2 hours. This study aims to determine the volume, capacity, and level of service on this road section and how much influence the side barriers have on traffic performance on the Pasar Bending Agung road section. From the results of data analysis, it was obtained that the average peak flow for 7 days of observation was 1,262.45 pcu/hour, the side resistance at peak flow was 253.9 pcu/hour, the road capacity was 1,512.268 pcu/hour, the average degree of saturation was 0.834.</p>2023-08-11T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN WAKTU PADA PEMBANGUNAN RUMAH TYPE 36 DI JALAN LINTAS SUMATERA DESA SUKO MULYO KECAMATAN MARTAPURA KABUPATEN OGAN KOMERING ULU<p>Time management refers to the processes that must be defined and implemented at various stages of a project to ensure that the project can be completed on schedule, within budget, and without compromising the quality of the final product or service. The purpose of this research is to find out how the CPM method is used for time management during the construction of type 36 housing, and how long it takes to complete the work, in the context of the PT Marisa Piawai Group housing project in OKU Timur. In this study, using the Critical Path Method technique. A strategy to calculate and manage the full project length to move things faster. CPM was used to conduct research on the Marisa Piawai Group type 36 residential development project, and the resulting network and critical path activities were obtained. These are the critical path activities: A, B, D, F, G, I, J, and M. Using the CPM approach, the Marisa Land Residential type 36 housing development project can be scheduled for completion in 30 days. Both weather and labor played a role in the accelerating pace. Getting more people to work longer hours is one way to do this. The basic construction of the building, walls, roof, ceilings, door and window frames, as well as floors are carried out simultaneously.</p>2023-10-09T17:04:45+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## TINGKAT PELAYANAN JALAN PADA PERLINTASAN SEBIDANG ANTARA JALAN RAYA DAN REL KERETA API DI JALAN PANGERAN HAJIB II KECAMATAN BATURAJA BARAT KABUPATEN<p>The accident occurred at a railroad crossing without a doorstop on Jalan Pangeran Hajib II which claimed lives every year, which was very bad and greatly affected traffic performance at this field crossing. The research method used is descriptive analysis. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of road service and delays when the crossing is passed by a train without a gate. Based on the results of the study, the Level of Service on Jalan Mojo is categorized B with a value of 0.27 with stable traffic conditions but operating speeds are starting to be limited by traffic conditions. The driver has sufficient freedom to choose the speed. The longest closing duration when closing without a barrier on the Baturaja train was 319 seconds, while the shortest duration was 16 seconds closing.</p>2023-10-11T02:08:28+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KAPASITAS BOOSTER UNTUK MEMENUHI KEBUTUHAN PELANGGAN AIR BERSIH DI KECAMATAN BELITANG KABUPATEN OGAN KOMERING ULU TIMUR TAHUN<p><em>Clean water is one of the basic needs in supporting human life. The imbalance between the amount of clean water and the number of customers can result in a lack of clean water supply for each customer. This research is a case study by analyzing the data. In data processing using geometric, arithmetic and exponential methods. The data used are data on the number of customers for the last 5 years, namely 2018-2022 and data on the water discharge capacity of PDAM Booster Belitang. The research stages include projected growth in the number of customers and analysis of clean water needs from 2023 to 2027.Based on the results of the analysis, the projected number of customer growth in 2023-2027 is 702 to 1000 customers. Meanwhile, the need for clean water in 2023-2027 is 439 to 619 m<sup>3</sup>/day. Thus it can be concluded that PDAM Booster Belitang is able to meet the need of clean water until 2027 because the debit for clean water needs is 619 m<sup>3</sup>/day and the peak hour water demand for 2027 is 928,89 m<sup>3</sup>/day, while the available capacity discharge is 30lt/s = 2.592.000 lt/day = 2.592 m<sup>3</sup>/day.</em></p>2023-10-11T04:15:49+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##