Performance is the totality of work results achieved and has a very close relationship with the apparatus in achieving organizational goals. The performance of the apparatus cannot be separated from the resources owned by the organization, the resources run by the apparatus who play an active role as actors in efforts to achieve the goals of the organization, this can be carried out well if the performance of the apparatus is paid attention to. This research is related to the analysis of the performance of sub-district officials in Rajabasa sub-district, Bandar Lampung regarding the performance problem of sub-district government officials in administering government in Rajabasa sub-district. The aim of this research is to determine the extent of the performance of Rajabasa District Government officials in implementing community services. The method used in this research uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, documentation. The research results show that the performance of sub-district officials in providing services to the community is carried out in accordance with existing mechanisms and established regulations by looking at several service indicators such as: the ability of sub-district officials in conveying service information is 57.1%, the mental attitude of the officials is in the friendly category with a rating of 57.1%, the ability of the officials is in the fast category with a score of 57.1%, the work spirit is in the category 57.1% with apparatus age ≤ 29 years.
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