Study Kasus Pada Laundry Ananda Lahat
Data retrieval method used in this study is literature study is a method used to
obtain theoretical data related to the issues discussed. Then field studies are interviews,
observations, related to the problem under study to obtain clear data. Based on the
results of research that has been done on Laundry Ananda Lahat, and the results of the
analysis of the Influence of Service Quality and Price Against Consumer Satisfaction can
be drawn conclusion as follows: In t test obtained there is a significant influence of the
variable Quality Service (X1) on Consumer Satisfaction while the variable Price (X2) has
no effect on Consumer Satisfaction (Case Study On Laundry Ananda Lahat). In F test
obtained there is a linear relationship between Quality of Service (X1) and Price (X2)
simultaneously or simultaneously have a significant influence on Consumer Satisfaction
(Case Study On Laundry Ananda Lahat) (Y). Of the two factors namely Quality of Service
and Price which has the most dominant influence on Consumer Satisfaction (Case Study
On Laundry Ananda Lahat) is Quality Service.