The development of road transportation facilities often forms a meeting with rail transportation facilities. At crossing accidents between motor vehicles and trains often occur. The purpose of this study was to determine the crossing equipment, the level of safety and security from the total volume of traffic and to know the safe visibility for road users and engineers at level crossings according to technical guidelines for level crossings between rail roads and highways issued by the Directorate General of Land Transportation. with what is at the crossing of Air Gading Jalan Commissioner Umar, Baturaja City. Level crossing equipment can be viewed from crossing facilities, road geometry, markings and signs. From the survey results in the field, the average daily traffic volume is 628 vehicles/day, while the frequency of trains that pass is 40 trains during peak hours of Morning, Afternoon, Afternoon and the result of the multiplication between LHR and the frequency of trains passing by is 25,120 smpk. . Making the level of safety and security of the Air Gading crossing included in the crossing that meets the standard level crossing, even though the high daily volume of traffic and the frequency of the trains that pass do not exceed the standards of the Directorate General of Land Transportation. The results of this calculation can be used as a sign for motorists to reduce their speed by installing warning signs. Where is the safe stopping distance for road users to the intersection of Jalan Commissioner Umar and Jalan Dokter Soetomo is 140 meters long, users can reduce their speed because the train is at a distance of 151 meters from the train crossing.