Water is one of the basic human needs and is indispensable in improving the quality of human life and the economic growth of a region. Having access to proper drinking water is the hope of all levels of Indonesian society, both people living in urban areas and people living in suburban and rural areas, both high-income people and low-income people. Tubagus Palm Indah housing has a program for the availability and needs of clean water where The clean water program is intended for residential communities. The beautiful Tubagus Palm housing is located in Air Paoh Village, Baturaja Timur District, OKU Regency, where the water source comes from a 150 m deep drilled well and is treated with a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) system which is accommodated into a reservoir ready to accommodate as much as 100,000 liters of water then only distributed to the community, Tubagus Palm Indah housing is one of the areas that has carried out clean water program activities using the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) system since 2021. Primary data is data that is used directly to obtain data directly from the source under study, namely by conducting interviews and observation (direct observation) in the field. Secondary data is data used from related agencies, and library sources such as the results of research journals that are relevant to this research. The data analysis carried out is descriptive analysis using tables and graphs. The analysis is done by grouping the data and describing the grouping data. This study uses a quantitative approach with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, scoring analysis, and frequency distribution. To facilitate the analysis, in this study the researchers used the SPSS 26.0 program for windows and Ms Excel. Ogan Komering Ulu can be seen based on two variables, namely, water management and availability. F-count value of 38.872 which is greater than the F-table value of 2.75 this means Fcount Ftable so that it can be concluded that technical variables and maintenance operations simultaneously affect the availability of clean water.