Mahasiswa Teknik Journal Systems<p>Jurnal mahasiswa Teknik Sipil Unbara</p> KELAYAKAN TEKNIK DAN FINANSIAL PERUMAHAN BATURAJA KEMILING ASRI2024-08-14T03:51:07+00:00Setia Murnisetiamurni2304@gmail.comLindawati Lindawatilindaunbara@gmail.comFerry<p>A decent place to live (house) and environment is the right of every resident of a country. Because a house is one of the basic/primary human needs. The aim of this research is to determine the technical and financial feasibility aspects of Baturaja Kemiling Asri Housing. The abstract must provide concise information, describing the entire content of the article or research carried out. This research uses a data analysis method which is a stage of the research process where the data that has been collected is arranged to be processed in order to answer the problem formulation. After conducting research, it can be seen that the difference between money received and money spent by showing the time value of money or Net Present Value (NPV) is 473,021,226.4150943, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) value is 26.75%. which means it exceeds the interest in the bank, namely 11%/year, the Payback Period (PP) value obtained is 0.758 years, and the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) value obtained is 1.318> 1, then the project is accepted, and produces a Break Even Point (BEP) of 46 units and Rupiah BEP of IDR 7,704,650,000. Judging from the five formulas used, it can be seen that all of them provide the assumption that the Baturaja Kemiling Asri Housing development project is acceptable and feasible to be implemented as well as possible</p>2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PERBANDINGAN QUANTITY TAKE OFF (QTO) DENGAN METODE KONVENSIONAL DAN METODE BUILDING INFORMATION MEDELLING (BIM) PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN KANTOR KEJAKSAAN NEGERI BATURAJA TAHUN 20232024-08-14T03:58:04+00:00Rommi Mahendrarommimahendra03@gmail.comYuliantini Eka Putriyuliantini6773@gmail.comMarinda Gusti<p><em>The rapid growth that occurs in the construction sector is due to the construction sector is one of the important fields in the development of a region or country. This complex development requires construction services to work effectively and efficiently in carrying out their work. The accuracy of work volume calculation is one of the successes of a construction project. Conventional volume calculations can experience errors ranging from human error, inaccuracy, lack of accuracy, and others. The existence of technological developments at this time, with the existence of BIM technology can help solve these problems. The purpose of this research is to compare quantity take off with conventional method and building information modeling (BIM) method. The calculation of quantity take off using the building information modeling method uses Revit 2021 software and is assisted by using Microsoft Excel. The flow of this research is to model the building structure using the revit 2021 application by referring to the detailed engineering drawing. The result of this modeling is the volume of work obtained. The results of this study found that the volume calculation using the building information modeling (BIM) method increased the efficiency of using work materials by obtaining the minimum efficiency occurred in the second floor column work of 0.11% which saved work material by 0.09 m and the maximum occurred in the second floor beam work of 11.54% which saved work material by 10.1m.</em></p>2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SIMPANG TAK BERSINYAL MENJADI SIMPANG BERSINYAL MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE PTV VISSIM2024-08-14T04:05:05+00:00Ferry Farhanferryfarhaan@gmail.comLindawati Lindawatilindaunbara@gmail.comFerry<p>With the increasing population growth from year to year, it will have an impact on the transportation sector, one of which is the conflict of traffic flow at road intersections. In Baturaja city, there are several intersections that have not been equipped with signaling (traffic lights), one of which is Simpang Empat Sentosa. At the intersection there are traffic lights but they have not been functioning for a long time, besides this intersection has quite busy traffic flow conditions, especially during peak hours. This research aims to analyze the intersection performance through unsignalized intersection modeling and signalized intersection modeling. The method in this study is to conduct a direct traffic survey in the field which is then followed by modeling with the help of PTV Vissim software. The results of modeling the existing condition intersection obtained level of service (LOS) C, average delay value of 15.07 seconds / vehicle, average queue length of 7.76 meters, and maximum queue length of 51.69 meters. The second modeling is the intersection modeling of signalized conditions obtained level of service (LOS) C, average delay value of 28.67 seconds / vehicle, average queue length of 12.30 meters, and maximum queue length of 62.07 meters. From the two intersection modeling that has been made, it can be seen that the condition of the intersection without a signal is better than when given signaling (traffic lights).</p>2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PRODUKTIFITAS ALAT BERAT PADA PEKERJAAN OVERBURDEN DI PIT B TAMBANG BATU KAPUR PT. SEMEN BATURAJA TBK2024-08-14T04:22:32+00:00Romasi Aprilya Hasugianromasiaprilyahasugian@gmail.comMarinda Gusti Akhiriamarindagustiakhiria@gmail.comYuliantini Eka<p>Overburden is a layer of soil or rock that is above and directly covers the mined material so it needs to be removed first before excavation is carried out for the limestone excavation. Stripping of overburden begins with excavation using mechanical equipment in the form of an excavator loading tool and transportation equipment in the form of a dump truck located in Pit B of the limestone mine, PT. Semen Baturaja Tbk. The analysis method used is qualitative and quantitative methods, interviews. The work volume is 12,800 m3/day and based on the results of the analysis carried out, the productivity of the CAT 330 excavator at PIT B is obtained with a cycle time of 17.82 seconds (0.30 minutes) and a productivity/hour of 446.13 m3/hour with a total productivity of 6,245.82 m3/day. The productivity of the Mitsubishi Fuso 220 Ps dump truck at PIT B cycle time is 1,1880.66 seconds (20 minutes) and productivity/hour is 50,718 m3/hour with a total productivity of one dump truck of 2,130.15 m3/day. From the results of calculating the cost of heavy equipment in the field, it was concluded that the cost of heavy equipment in the field was a CAT 330 excavator Rp. 971,831.72,- and a dump truck Rp. 1,050,906,- with the same working hours for both tools, namely 14 hours. The production target for overburden work at PIT B was not achieved and there was a waiting time with the match factor value obtained being 0.36, so the actual match factor obtained by MF < 1 means it can be concluded that the excavator is waiting for the dump truck.</p>2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PUTAR BALIK (U-TURN) TERHADAP KINERJA RUAS JALAN2024-08-14T07:19:55+00:00Laden Dwi Puspitaladendwipuspita@gmail.comYuliantini Eka Putriyuliantini6773@gmail.comFerry<p><em>To accommodate vehicles changing direction of travel or making a U-Turn, a U-Turn facility was created. Along Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani Kemalaraja, Baturaja city from in front of Adiwarna to in front of Suzuki, there is a U-Turn facility which causes problems. This problem occurs because the vehicle cannot immediately turn because the turning radius is not enough, so it takes more time to make a U-turn.</em></p> <p><em>From the analysis and calculations that have been carried out on Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani Kemalaraja in front of Suzuki, the average vehicle makes a U-turn in 15.78 seconds with a queue ratio (p) of 1.10, which means that there is a queue of vehicles, whereas in In front of Adiwarna, the average vehicle makes a U-turn in 15.38 seconds, with a queue ratio (p) of 0.89, which means there is no queue of vehicles. The performance of traffic flow on this road section is seen from the degree of saturation value and the level of service category from the direction of Ramayan to Air Karang has the highest degree of saturation value of 0.84 with a class D service level category, where the road section is unstable in terms of condition. which stops frequently with the highest traffic volume of 2126 SMP/hour. Meanwhile, on the road section leading from Karang Water to Raayana, the highest degree of saturation value is 0.84 with a class D service level category, where the road section is unstable with conditions that frequently stop with the highest traffic volume of 2111 SMP/hour.</em></p>2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##