INTECH - Informatika Dan Teknologi published 2 (two) times a year in May and November by the Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Computers, Baturaja University which was published for the first time in 2020. The purpose of the INTECH Journal is as a means for publishing papers/articles in the field of Science and Information Technology in the field of use of computers, internet, software and hardware in the field of information technology. In addition, the INTECH journal also covers areas that support the integration and development of technology in other fields.

INTECH accepts papers/articles that have never been published by other media or are under review to be published by other media. A review will be carried out on all incoming manuscripts. The results of the review will be submitted to each author within 1 (one) month after the manuscript is sent to the editor. The language in the INTECH Journal is Indonesian.

Copyright and Originality of each paper/article to be published will be requested from all authors by attaching the "Statement of Publication Ethics" that we have provided. Papers that have previously been presented at a conference/seminar but have undergone a considerable editing process will be considered for publication in the INTECH Journal.

We invite you to submit papers to INTECH. Papers to be submitted can follow the INTECH template and must follow the writing guidelines we provide. in the form of softcopy can be sent via the Submission page in the form of files with the extension .docx (Microsoft Word) and NOT in the form of Portable Document File (PDF). The editor has the right to edit the manuscript for the purposes of improvement and layout settings, without changing the essence of the writing. For very basic improvements, the editor will ask the author for the correction.

For authors who are interested in submitting their papers, please Login Here.

Journal Name INTECH - Informatika Dan Teknologi
Initials INTECH
ISSN Online 2722-7367 
Frequency 2 issues per year (Mei, November)
DOI 10.54895/intech
Publisher Informatika Fakultas Teknik Dan Komputer Universitas Baturaja
Subject Areas Information Technology
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension | Garuda | Crossref | DOAJ | Others
Coordinator Ferry Desromi, M.T
Principal Contact Destiarini, M.Kom
Chief Editor Abdul Rahman, M.Kom | Scopus ID : 57215046849