The purpose of this study was to determine the classroom management strategies of
English teachers at SMP N 32 OKU and SMP N 10 OKU. This study uses a qualitative
description where the population were the English teachers. The number of
populations in this study were 11 teachers from 2 schools, the sampling was done by
purposive sampling because all samples represented all grade levels. There were 8
teachers from SMPN 32 and 3 English teachers from SMPN 10 were taken as sample.
Observation and documentation are used for data collection. The instruments in this
study were observation and documentation. The results of the observation indicates
that the classroom management strategy of the English teachers used 1) Get set up
preparation is when the teacher will start learning in class the teacher prepares the
lesson plans. 2) Make the room attractive is the teacher prepares a classroom that is
fun, neat and comfortable. 3) Set classroom rules is the teacher sets a rule in the
classroom so that students can learn responsibly. 4) the teacher always provides
motivation and solutions to students. 5) the teacher being fair, namely by creating
togetherness and paying attention to all students. The results of the supporting
documentation are the RPP for the English teacher with different materials and it can
be seen by the activities that the teacher has done. This means that the classroom
management strategy by English teacher at SMP N 32 OKU dan SMP N 10 OKU is
running well, optimally and in accordance with existing steps.