Students’ Perception: Using Android-based Exam Browser as the Medium to Assess Examination
This study was to find out the students’ perception on the use of Android- based Exam
Browser as the medium to assess examination. This study used the qualitative survey method.
The population of the study was the eighth and ninth grade students of SMPIT Tunas Cendikia
Baturaja. The writer took all of the sample by applying total sampling consist of 85 students.
The data collected through questionnaire, it consists of 35 statements. Then, the writer used
percentage formula to analyze the data. The result of this study showed that there were many
students who think that they were agree or had positive perception on the use of Android-
based exam browser as the medium to assess examination in SMPIT Tunas Cendikia Baturaja.
The data were in high criteria in each indicator. Students' interest/intention from the eighth
graders (73,62%) and the ninth graders (64,90%), students' perceived usefulness from the
eighth graders (74,07%) and the ninth graders (56,46%), students' perceived of ease of use
from the eighth graders (59,26%) and the ninth graders (58,33%) and students' Android
attitude from the eighth graders (68,52%) and the ninth graders (60,20%). From the result,
students’ anxiety from the nineth grade (44,39%) disagree or indicate to negative perception
about the use of Android-based exam browser as the medium to assess examination in SMPIT
Tunas Cendikia Baturaja. It was because Android-based Exam Browser still intimidated and
made them feel afraid of making mistakes in using Android- based exam browser, beside that
also anxious and nervous due to sometimes their Android did not as friendly as hangs, runs
out of battery, and disconnected from the connection server.