Problem Encountered by the Students in Speaking English at English Students of Baturaja University
This research analyzes the problems faced by students of the English language education study program at Baturaja University, in speaking English. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using a survey approach. The sample in this study consisted of 48 students including the second semester with 26 respondents and the fourth semester with 22 students as respondents. Data was collected through a questionnaire using Google Form which was then distributed online via WhatsApp groups for each respondent class. It consist 20 statement with 2 indicator, namely: linguistic problems and psychology problems. The researcher used four point of likert scale for analyzing the data recapitulation, The researchers found two problems faced by students when speaking English, including linguistic problems and psychological problems. The results research show that 28,13% strongly agree, 46,2% agree, 20,01% disagree, 5,64% strongly disagree of students have linguistic problems in speaking English with the highest cause being lack of vocabulary. Meanwhile, regarding psychological problems, based on research resultsresearch show that 19,4% strongly agree, 46,2% agree, 20,01% disagree, 5,64% strongly of students have psychology problems in speaking English with the highest cause being lack of self-confidence. Thus, it can be seen that the most dominant causing problems in speaking English among students is linguistic problems.