In this issue, the agricultural, social and economic journal discusses the Overview and Analysis of Agribusiness Conditions in South Sumatra, Indonesia.
Beginning with the article Influence of Employee Integrity And Loyality on Leadership in Palm Oil Company in OKU District   (Case Study of PT. Minanga Ogan) by Andi Berlan et al., followed by the article analysis of people's farming company  its contribution to family income in the  sub-district Semende Darat Laut, District Muara Enim by Rahmatullah et al.

Tutut Prasetio et al., continued the discussion on Implemantation of Agricultural Mechanism to Increasing Income on Rainfunded Farmer's in Sub District Semindang Aji District Ogan Komering Ulu. Further discussion was carried out by Ary Eko Prastya Putra  in the Value Added Processing of Coconut into VCO with Usual Method and Farmentation.

Hariyono and Sumarlin continued the value added analysis with the article title Analysis of Value Added Processing of Rice Husk into Liquid Smoke (Case Study in Sumber Suko Village, Belitang District, East OKU Regency). The discussion and analysis of this edition ends with an article by Anggi Fatmayati with the title Factors Influencing Consumer Decisions to Buy Green Vegetables at the Morning Market in Martapura City.

Published: 2022-08-31